About us

Wichita Hearts for Healers

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started sending patients to Wichita-area hospitals in March of 2020, healthcare workers have dedicated themselves to saving the lives of Wichitans and others from Kansas and beyond.

Many healthcare workers, especially in critical care, saw more death and experienced more horror than they've been able to put into words. People go into healthcare to save lives. They care about patients and hurt deeply when patients die or experience long-term disability. They grieve with the patients' families and try to care for those patients as their families would if they could. 

With the trauma already experienced, many hospital workers understandably sought less intense positions, with many critical care nurses moving to other departments. After a few months where the situation seemed to be improving, the Delta variant hit the United States, bringing with it even more patients to hospitals that now have fewer caregivers in units that treat COVID-19 patients. The patients now are younger and sicker than earlier in the pandemic, adding to staff trauma. It's difficult to see someone die, especially when that someone is at the same point in life as you.

Recently, the general public has become even more divided with many people unfairly blaming healthcare workers for public health precautions. Members of the medical community report being harassed in public and threatened in the community, including their own neighborhoods.

We formed Wichita Hearts for Healers to let Wichita's healthcare workers know that we appreciate them, that we value their sacrifice, and are beyond grateful that they continue to care for us and our families. We want the medical community to know that they are not alone and that we commit to doing everything we can to support them.

We created the Wichita heart flag, a modified Wichita flag emblazoned with a heart and medical cross symbolizing that Wichita's healthcare workers are on our hearts.